Kathe Anderson is our doll expert and has an amazing doll collection that is for sale in our shop. This is just a few expamples of what you will find in the store. With Christmas coming up, wouldn't it be fun to surprise someone on your list with one of these beautifully handcrafted one of kind dolls. It is almost like they are just sitting there waiting for you to take one of them home. Our awesome dealers have been bringing in all kinds of things that might be of interest to someone for a gift or for yourself.
So what are you looking for? Come in today, we may just have it and if we don't we will try and find it for you.
Here are just a few and I mean few examples of the things our AWESOME dealers bring into the shop every week.
There are so many wonderful things in the store and at such amazing prices. Is there a gift you are after or is there someone on your list that collects something? What about you? Are you in the mood to redecorate a room in a new vintage look? There are many styles and an array of unusual things here.
This Nancy Schuh and is our Jeweler extraordinare. She can fix just about any piece of jewelry you might have that needs repair. All you have to do is bring it into the shop and have Nancy look at it. She also has an amazing assortment of vintage and custom made items in her case. If you are looking for something special then you should come in today. Nancy is in every Tuesday and usually brings in new and beautiful items for your viewing pleasure.
Jeff and Sandie Nelson and shop dog Knick Knack welcome you to Lestuff Antique Mall located one block east of the downtown Hillsboro, Oregon transit center.
As you can see our doors are wide open for you to come in today. Let us help you find the treasure you are looking for.